From: The Dalles Chronicle, Thursday July 18, 1929

(Daily of July 16)
Jacob Wetle, resident of The Dalles district for practically a half-century, died at The Dalles hospital late Thursday afternoon after a short illness. He had made his home at 919 West Sixth street for many years after retiring from farming in the Chenowith district.
Funeral services will be conducted from St. Peter's Catholic church at 9:30 Thursday morning, Father Costello officiating. Interment will be in the local Catholic cemetery.
Jacob Wetle was born in Germany, January 26, 1848, coming to the United States at the age of 18 years and settling at St. Cloud, Minn. He came to San Francisco on the first emigrant train run over the newly constructed railroad.
He lived in San Francisco a few years and then came to Portland, residing in that city until 1880 when he moved to The Dalles and took up farming in the Chenowith district. He remained there until about 20 years ago when he retired and moved to The Dalles.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lena Wetle and five sons, Clemence and George of Portland, Fred and Chris of The Dalles and John of Bend.
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